Posts Tagged ‘Stay-At-Home Moms’

Invest In You

Invest In You

Do you designate any time daily to think about your future, or doing the things you want to do?  Often times we’re meeting the demands of the job, school, or family, and neglect ourselves.  This is common for many of us today.  I feel the need to make sure everything is perfect which means cleaning the house, cleaning the car, running chores for the entire family, preparing meals, feeding the pets, and everything else that goes with living. 

Although I did not mind doing what needed to done, I felt exhausted after doing everything for everybody,  and even worse, I realized that I continually neglected myself, and the sports, activities and things that are good for me.  Have you ever been sandwiched, and felt as if the great escape wasn’t close enough?

Soon I found that investing in me had to be first on my list with all other things following.  It’s not easy to prioritize, but a real necessity since I realized that when I have those high-energy moments each day that they should be spent doing things important to me. 

Since I changed my approach to handling the demands of life, and started focusing on those things that I love doing, I have eliminated the guilt of neglecting me because of focusing on pleasing others, and now I actually get more things done that I really need to do.  I’ll admit that watching the shows on the Living Well Network, provide me with helpful tips that save me time, money.

Now I feel great!  How about you?  Are you going to rearrange your priorities and start investing in you?